Equality - gradually going beyond the stage of declaration of intent
If you doubt the meaning of Women's Day, we'll tell you here how women's
rights were in Switzerland not so long ago.

Until 1962, female teachers were not allowed to marry
Who doubts the merits of International Women's Day is in an
enviable position. For he (or she) apparently did not experience
the time when women's lives were still very difficult, even
in Switzerland. For a long time, girls could consider themselves
happy to have the right to attend higher education,
and the choice of profession was not a foregone conclusion either.
Or did you know that even at the beginning of the 1960s,
women in Switzerland were not allowed to do postal
apprenticeships? Or that until 1962 women
teachers in the canton of Zurich were not allowed to marry?

Until 1988, a woman was practically at the mercy of her husband
Let us also mention that until 1988, according to Swiss matrimonial law, the husband was the head of the family, which gave him the right to manage the couple's assets as he wished and even to
forbid his wife (or daughter) to work outside the home.
In Switzerland, women also had to wait a long time to obtain
the right to vote. Today, fortunately, it is different because
women are found almost everywhere. Girls attend higher education,
vote in elections as adults and are also
increasingly represented in the management of companies.
More topics about Women's Day
Born in the USA, launched in Europe
Since 1921, Women's Day has been celebrated worldwide on March 8. In Russia, it's even a public holiday. But women could also make it their personal holiday here.
Mimosa for a gender not at all weak
In many places, mimosas are offered as gifts on Women's Day. We tell you how it came about and what makes mimosas so special.
Equality - gradually going beyond the stage of declaration of intent
If you doubt the meaning of Women's Day, we'll tell you here how women's rights were in Switzerland not so long ago.
A cheer for multifaceted women
Whether it's female inventors or Nobel Prize winners: there are many exceptional women. Did you know that for long time women were not allowed to patent their inventions?
Women's suffrage - only wishful thinking for a long time
For us, the right to vote is a matter of course. But did you know that Swiss women were given it very late? And women in Inner Rhodes even had to wait until 1990?