Care tips for Christmas plants

Care tips for Christmas plants

Fancy a pretty little Christmas tree in a pot, poinsettias, amaryllis and Christmas roses? Here you will find the appropriate care tips. 
Christmas tree 
Fancy a decorative little Christmas tree? Here are some tips for the potted white spruce (Picea glauca conica) from Fleurop, which is delivered already decorated:

  • Do not remove the golden foil wrapped around the pot until after the holidays. It keeps the little tree fresh.
  • The warmth of the living room will not harm the little tree for a few weeks. But do not put it next to a heat source (e.g. radiator).
  • Spray the tree frequently with a water atomiser.
  • Make sure the soil is evenly moist, but avoid waterlogging.
  • Place the pot on a support to protect the floor or furniture from water stains.
  • After the holidays, you should gradually accustom the little tree to the cold outside temperatures as soon as possible, and then place it in a sheltered place (e.g. on the balcony) until spring. At plus temperatures it must be watered from time to time.
  • In spring you can plant it in the garden.
Poinsettias inspire with their different colors and forms. Your poinsettias will last even longer with these tips:

  • When you transport them, you should package them carefully: warmly, so that they don't freeze, carefully, because they're sensitive to pressure.
  • Poinsettias need to be placed where there's plenty of light. If they get too little, the leaves turn yellow.
  • These plants thrive best at normal room temperature. Take care not to let it drop below 18 degrees Celsius.
  • Poinsettias don't need a lot of water, but they can't tolerate either drying out totally or being waterlogged.  
  • Please note: draughts spell disaster for a poinsettia.

Poinsettias are available at Fleurop and its partner stores in November and December.
Christmas rose
The Christmas rose is one of the few plants whose flowers survive even frosts and bloom throughout the winter. It has a cult character and is popular, especially during Advent.

  • Christmas roses must be placed outdoors. You can safely place them on the patio table or window sill. It is advantageous to place the pot on a wooden or polystyrene board, so that the Christmas rose is protected from the cold from below.
  • As a location, a semi-shaded or shaded place is suitable.
  • Water the Christmas rose regularly on frost-free days. But only when the soil is not frozen. Avoid waterlogging.
  • At sub-zero temperatures, the flowers sometimes appear «limp». This is a protective reaction of the plant. If possible, do not touch them. Because as soon as the temperatures rise, the plant straightens up by itself and continues to bloom.
  • As soon as the flowers are no longer beautiful, you should cut them off.
  • In spring, you can also plant Christmas roses in the garden.
Christmas roses are available at Fleurop and its partner stores from mid-November until Christmas.
Here are some tips if you want to watch your amaryllis growing and therefore buy a bulb:

  • Choose a pot with a diameter not much bigger than that of the bulb.
  • When you plant it, make sure that at least one third of the bulb is above the earth.
  • Once the bulb has been planted, it needs around six to eight weeks before it is in full bloom.
  • Water it sparingly just after you plant it. The plant only needs more water when the stem is about 20 cm tall and the bud appears.
  • Generally, an amaryllis plant needs a light, not too warm position (18°C is ideal). When choosing a position, avoid bright sunlight or anywhere close to radiators or fruit.
Amaryllis are available at Fleurop and its partner stores from November to New Year.

Beautiful winter plants

Azalea (pink)
Azalea (pink)
CHF 64.00
Azalea (white)
Azalea (white)
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