The National Hug Day was instituted by American Kevin Zaborney. Probably that "cuddling" or "being cuddled" was so beautiful to him that he must have thought that this virtue should be developed. Do you think so, too? If so, look forward to January 21 because that's National Hugging Day or National Hug Day.
It is not only known in the United States, but also in Canada, Europe and Australia.
In other words: make a thick note in your agenda.
And when January 21 is here, take your partner, kids and parents and hug them.
National Hug Day – 21 January
Cuddling is so beautiful that this warm gesture deserves a special day. Here you can find out why you should definitely cuddle.

Who «invented» it?

Cuddling promotes fidelity
Hugging and cuddling is healthy. This has also been confirmed by the Centre for Brain Research at the Medical University of Vienna.
It helps to reduce stress and anxiety, but can also lower blood pressure and strengthen the immune system.
The hormone oxytocin is responsible for this. This enhances mutual affection and promotes bonding. Apparently, partners in happy relationships have higher oxytocin levels. This is why this hormone is also called «love hormone».
The hormone oxytocin is responsible for this. This enhances mutual affection and promotes bonding. Apparently, partners in happy relationships have higher oxytocin levels. This is why this hormone is also called «love hormone».

Cuddling makes happy
But that's not all. During physical exchanges such as hugs and cuddles, the brain also releases dopamine, the «happy hormone», which increases well-being even further. These are excellent reasons to cuddle -
and not only on 21 January, of course.
By the way: flowers also make happy. Thanks to Fleurop, they can even be used at a distance, worldwide.
By the way: flowers also make happy. Thanks to Fleurop, they can even be used at a distance, worldwide.
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National Hug Day – 21 January
Cuddling is so beautiful that this warm gesture deserves a special day. Here you can find out why you should definitely cuddle.
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