This is how birthdays began

This is how birthdays began

Here you can find out who was the first to celebrate his birthday and who was NOT allowed to do so for a long time.
The first definite knowledge about the celebration of birthdays comes down to us from Ancient Egypt. However, only the Pharaoh's birthday was celebrated there – not on the date when he came into the world, but on the day of his coronation. The Egyptian people believed this was the day that the Pharaoh was transformed into a god. And this «birth» was more important than the earthly one.
Later on, the Romans appear to have been the first people who celebrated not only the birthdays of divinities and leaders, but also those of prosperous citizens. To preserve birthday boys from evil, they called to protective spirits on such occasions. Invitations, blessings, gifts, speeches and poems were also in evidence.
Only the birthdays of boys and men were celebrated, those of girls and women were only included from the 12th century onwards.

The most beautiful birthday presents

Spring Princess
CHF 40.00 - CHF 100.00
Sweet spring melody
CHF 49.00 - CHF 92.00
Just for You ... with teddy bear
CHF 74.50 - CHF 114.50
Delicate spring composition
CHF 40.00 - CHF 90.00
Colorful Bouquet of Tulips
CHF 54.00 - CHF 104.00
Sweet Surprise
CHF 48.00 - CHF 98.00
Signs of Spring
CHF 52.00 - CHF 92.00
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