Particularly easy to care for - stone cacti

Particularly easy to care for - stone cacti

No time - or no desire to water plants? Then our cacti are sure to grow on you. Because they are though in the truest sense of the word.
Various stones; spray paints in different shades of green; clay pots; white pencil; sand; flower-shaped sugar decorations; hot glue
  1. Divide the stones into small groups. Check whether they each fit into one of the clay pots and look good in terms of shape and grouping. This will also influence the choice of shade of green you use afterwards. Spray the stones with the different shades of green and leave them to dry.
  2. Paint white dots and/or little lines for the thorns.
  3. Fill the pots with sand and place the stones in them.
  4. Glue the sugar flowers to the cacti with hot glue. They represent the areoles.
Smooth and rather oval stones that match each other are ideal.
Hot glue guns and much more can be found on our online portal for home use FleuropHOME.

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