Our foliage plants introduce themselves

Our foliage plants introduce themselves

Plants make a home much more homely. Here comes the selection of our trendy foliage plants.
Foliage plants need a bright location, but no direct sun. The plants survive best at normal room temperature.

Tip: Plants love fresh air, but not draughts.
This is Alfred (rubber fig, Ficus elastica ‘Robusta‘)
Oldie but Goldie. 

Pot Ø: 18cm 
Height: ca. 55cm 

Oh yes, the rubber fig is totally in again. After its hype in the eighties, it disappeared from rooms and offices and only recently reappeared. The main reasons: with its large, shiny, evergreen leaves, the rubber fig is not only an absolute eye-catcher. It is also robust and easy to care for. In addition, it improves air quality. Today it is experiencing a revival and is making its way back into our homes. It belongs to the genus Ficus (figs) and is considered a classic among houseplants. Thanks to numerous varieties, it also harmonizes with any interior design style.
Feel like wishing someone well? Then you're right with rubber fig «Alfred». In Feng Shui it stands for abundance, happiness, and wealth. But since it belongs to the genus of fig plants, it is also said to have an inspiring, calming aura. In the tropics, fig trees are even considered sacred. Not only because Buddha attained his spiritual enlightenment under a fig tree. In India, too, many people worship it daily in one of their morning rituals. In the Old Testament, it also represents peace and prosperity. And in ancient Greece and Rome, the plant stood for fertility. Accordingly, the rubber fig symbolizes abundance, happiness, wealth, inspiration, calming, enlightenment, peace, and fertility. The choice is yours.

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This is Richard (silver vine, Scindapsus pictus)
Let nature take its course. 

Pot Ø: 18cm 
Height: ca. 28cm 

In its native land, the plant is considered a symbol of good luck. In feng shui even for success, prosperity, and good luck. That is why the silver vine is an absolute must-have not only for yourself. It is also the perfect gift for someone starting a new job, dedicating a new home, facing an exam, celebrating a birthday or «just because». After all, as we all know, you can never have enough success, happiness (and money). By the way, the silver vine, of course, does well everywhere. But according to feng shui, it fits especially in the home office or workplace.
Houseplants are healthy because they produce oxygen, provide higher humidity, neutralize harmful gases, and thus purify the air. Silver vine, however, occupies a special place. That's because, according to a NASA study, it's among the top 10 because it removes toxic gases found in almost all homes and offices. These include such things as formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, xylene, and toluene, which are released by furniture, clothing, flooring, paints, and printers, among other things. Through storage and degradation, silver vines can neutralize these harmful gases.  Not for nothing they are called real living room miracles!

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This is Hulk (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)
Don't make me angry.  

Pot Ø: 25cm 
Height: approx. 79cm

The habitat of the Zamioculcas is Central and East Africa. There it grows mainly in forested foothills of the highlands and in lowlands where rocky substrates predominate. By nature, the Zamioculcas is used to extreme drought. Then, when the rains come, it quickly soaks up moisture to again survive the drought. Since the early 2000s, the Zamioculcas has experienced a resurgence as an uncomplicated houseplant. It is not only hip and stylish. It is also considered the world’s toughest houseplant because the plant survives even the most untalented gardeners. That's the reason for the name Hulk, because this strongman with green skin from the comic series of the same name is also invincible.
A Zamioculcas can withstand almost anything from a shady to a bright location if it is not in full sun. However, the brighter the location, the faster the growth and the brighter the leaves. If the plant is placed in the shade, it will grow more slowly, but the leaves will develop a very attractive dark green. The plant feels most comfortable at temperatures above 20 degrees C, below 16 degrees C it becomes too cold for it. The Zamioculcas grows up to 1.5 meters high and becomes very bushy. If the shoots grow too long, you can cut them off (preferably just above the ground). They will grow back next to the cut. Since the plant has succulent properties, you should water it sparingly. After all, the only thing it does not like at all is waterlogging. Therefore, its motto is: «Don’t make me angry».

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This is Frankie (Ficus lyrata bambino)
Have a good time.

Pot-Ø: 15cm
Height: approx. 50cm

If you don't have a fiddle-leaf yet, you're probably reading the wrong interior design blogs. Because the history of this plant may go back millions of years. But its moment in the sun is now because it plays first fiddle in the hit parade of plants. Its story begins in the tropical rainforest on the West African coast. The plant belongs to the Moraceae family, which also includes fig trees.
Why the Ficus lyrata is called Fiddle-leaf is obvious. The plant owes its name to its imposing leaves, which resemble a fiddle. These can grow very large, up to 15 cm wide and up to 30 cm long. One almost thinks a little bit of science fiction when looking at them. But one thing is for sure: Fiddle-leaf «Frankie» looks just great and its motto is not for nothing «Have a good time»!

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This is Charlie (Pachira aquatica)
He makes you happy.

Pot-Ø: 25cm
Height: approx. 105cm

Plenty of light, no direct sun, no draughts, no waterlogging, moderate watering and high air moisture: if you know these key data, you already know how to handle the Tree of happiness «Charlie». To be honest, «Charlie» is in fact a «creature of habit»: he loves to have a fixed location, be watered weekly and receive fertilizer once a month during the growth phase. Most important to him, however, is a regular «shower», because the highest possible air moisture is simply important for him to thrive.
Do «Charlie» this favor and spray him regularly with lukewarm, preferably lime-free water (more often in winter because of the dry heating air). By the way: if the leaves «curl», the plant has not been given enough water. If they become soft and yellow, the plant has been overwatered.

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This is George (Beaucarnea recurvata)
The Jungle King for your home.

Pot-Ø: 20cm
Height: approx. 60cm

The Elephant foot has many good characteristics. It is not only pretty to look at, but also durable and easy to care for. The latter is due to the fact that it comes from the dry forests of Mexico. In order to survive longer periods of water shortage there, it uses the water that it has stored in its thickened trunk.
The Elephant foot is a symbol of strength and endurance. Since nothing can upset it so quickly, it is also regarded as a center of strength for stable and enduring development. This makes it the ideal gift for new beginnings, such as a move, the beginning of the year or a new period of life. According to Feng Shui, the Elephant foot has a strong calming energy. This has a positive effect especially on stressful people and lively children, but it also encourages others to take a more relaxed approach to life.

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This is Mike (Calathea)
Sporting ace to the fingertips.

Pot-Ø: 20cm
Height: approx. 75cm

Calathea has always fascinated people. This may explain why - apart from its botanical name - it was given so many trivial names. In English it is also called «Cathedral plant» or «Zebra plant»; in German it is known as «Maranta of baskets» or «Rattlesnake plant»; in French as «Living plant»; and in Italian as «Plant of prayer» or «Peacock plant». Well, at least the names rattlesnake, zebra and peacock are probably due to the extravagant leaf patterns. «Cathedral» could be related to the shape of the leaves or even of the whole plant.
And the «Maranta of baskets» was probably created because the Calathea belongs to the Marantaceae family and the Native Americans made baskets from the leaves of the Calathea. The terms «Living plant» and «Plant of prayer» are beautiful. They arose because the leaves of Calathea move up at nighttime and lower in the daytime. Especially in the evening they look like praying hands.

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This is James (Monstera)
Always at your service.

Pot-Ø: 25cm
Height: approx. 85cm

Who would have thought that the millennial generation would bring a green urban jungle into the living room? For years, the Monstera has been leading this hit parade, which is not surprising when you consider that it already inspired Matisse and Picasso. Matisse not only loved women, but also shapes and flora. And when he moved to Cimiez in 1938, he found a huge Monstera plant that filled the room meters high and made him celebrate the ornamental beauty of its leaves in his «gouaches découpées».
Another fan was Picasso. He told that he put his Monstera in the bathtub while he was travelling. And on his return, the plant had occupied the entire bathroom. Then for some time no one heard anything more about the Monstera. Until some time ago when it came into the focus of designers and made it into the fashion Olympus. Not only on blouses and dresses, but also in interior design. Well, here you can find the «original». And if you want to feel a bit like Matisse or Picasso or if you like design icons: take a look at our original Monstera «James».

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You want to know more about Mike, Frankie and Co.? Here you will find many more facts and details about our plants for men:


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