Plants that resemble your father or bear his name

Plants that resemble your father or bear his name

If you would like to tell your father what you appreciate about him or give him a namesake, there are plants for men.
«Plants for men» - inspire fathers too
If your father doesn't have green fingers or if you think that plants don't suit men: you're wrong. Men also like beautiful things and love a pleasant living environment. So, fathers and plants definitely belong together, especially since the advent of «plants for men».

They are attractive, easy to care for and as different as fathers. They even have character traits. This makes things even more exciting, because you can give your father a plant that is specially «tailored» to him.
Is your father strong? A jack of all trades? An all-rounder? Successful?
There is an «answer» for all these properties among the plants for men. But not only. Have a look at Mä and browse through the many little stories. You are sure to find a plant that - like your father - likes to play first fiddle, is afraid of water or clever, looks great or never gives up. Look forward to interesting, but also amusing details with lots of smiles.

Click here for the stories
Perhaps a namesake?
Perhaps one of our plants for men is also a namesake of your father. Mike, for example, is derived from Michael. Max is an independent name, but also an abbreviation of Maximilian. And the English abbreviation is Tony, Toni, or Anton. Harry is a diminutive of Henry. William is the English form of Willum (Scots), Willelm (Old English), Gwilym (Welsh) or Uilleam (Scottish Gaelic). Jack could be a short form of John. And Frankie is a diminutive of the name Frank. The best thing to do is to google your father's name and see if you can find a plant for men with the same name in our range. And remember that most names have an equivalent and abbreviations in many languages.

Click here for the overview

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