About the turn of the year and the name «Sylvester»
What does the turn of the year mean to you? What symbolism did it have in the past? And what is behind the name «Sylvester»? You can find the answers here.

Symbol of spring, new beginnings and eternity
In ancient times, the date of the New Year varied constantly. But the turn of the year, with its special symbolism, was celebrated early on.
Depending on the world view, people thought of the return of spring, new beginnings and eternity, wished each other luck for the coming year and exchanged gifts.
Fireworks, on the other hand, go back to Germanic traditions.
They really let off steam at the turn of the year, not to welcome in the new year, but because they were afraid of darkness and evil spirits.
To drive them away, they made noise and set fire to wooden wheels. This custom is somewhat reminiscent of today's New Year's Eve fireworks.

Repentance and fasting at the turn of the year? Forget it!
Even if the name (St.Sylvester) suggests a religious origin in many countries, New Year's Eve is and was a secular festival.
For a long time, the church in Rome even fought against the celebrations of the citizens, who danced, ate and drank at the end of the year like on no other day of the year.
They tried to turn January 1st into a day of repentance and fasting - in the hope of persuading the population to attend religious services, but to no avail. The festival was too popular.
So popular, in fact, that there were huge tensions within families because it was polarizing.
But all in all, people continued to celebrate, and they did so cheerfully and with exuberant joy - to this day.

Where does the name «Sylvester» for December 31 come from in some countries?
The name «Sylvester» for December 31 in some countries dates to 1582. At that time, the Gregorian calendar reform moved the last day of the year from December 24 to December 31.
As the former Bishop of Rome, St. Sylvester I, had died on December 31, the day was given the name Sylvester.
Since then, his feast has been linked in many countries to the celebrations at the turn of the year.
In other countries, however, the last day of the year is also known as Old Year's Day, Old Night or New Year's Eve.
More about New Year's Eve & New Year
About the turn of the year and the name «Sylvester»
What does the turn of the year mean to you? What symbolism did it have in the past? And what is behind the name «Sylvester»? You can find the answers here.
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