October 31 - pumpkin, doorbell and magic

October 31 - pumpkin, doorbell and magic

October 31 is not only Halloween, but also officially Carve a Pumpkin Day, Doorbell Day and Increase Your Psychic Powers Day.
October 31 - Carve a Pumpkin Day
Of course, this theme is no coincidence. After all, carved pumpkins are still popular at Halloween. The legend? According to it, the Irish drunkard Jack Oldfield used a trick to lure the devil, who came to collect his malevolent soul, up a tree and trapped him there with a cross carved into the trunk. A deal was struck between the Satan and the Irishman. The latter gave the devil his freedom in exchange for the promise to leave him and his soul in peace for all eternity.
The devil brought about the illuminated pumpkin
After his death, Jack had a problem. Because of his bad deeds, he was denied access to paradise and hell didn't want him either. So, the devil took pity on Jack and gave him a glowing coal straight from hellfire. Jack put the coal in a hollowed turnip. Since then, his soul is doomed to roam the world between the planes of good and evil with only a lantern on the eve of All Saints' Day. This legend led to the belief that on Halloween, a glowing piece of coal (or a burning candle) in a turnip or pumpkin could ward off the devil and all other evil spirits.
October 31 - Doorbell Day
DingDong. This theme for the day also fits in with October 31. After all, Halloween is now also a traditional festival here, when children go from door to door dressed up in scary costumes to beg for sweets. And doorbells play a not insignificant role. But the introduction of this day goes back to the US doorbell system provider NuTune, which used Halloween 2017 as part of a campaign for the market launch of its video doorbell system. In this sense, have a great Halloween and a relaxed Doorbell Day.
October 31 - Increase Your Psychic Powers Day
Booooo, happy Halloween! To match the occasion, there's also an Increase Your Psychic Powers Day. After all, Halloween is considered a magical night derived from Celtic customs. It was believed that the souls of the dead returned to their homes. Fortune-telling was also common on this date. And what does this have to do with increasing psychic powers? Well, if you don't want to make do with table-turning, you can do concentration exercises. For example, by shuffling cards and predicting which will be the top card. Or flipping a coin and predicting which side it will land on. With a little practice, your psychic powers should increase to such an extent that you can achieve a hit rate of over 50 percent. With this in mind: Happy Increase Your Psychic Powers Day.

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