• Media 1 - Red Florist bouquet
Red Florist bouquet +
Image corresponds to price variant «Standard»

Red Florist bouquet

This magnificent bouquet, chosen in detail by our florist, is an explosion of passion and emotion. Each flower tells its own love story. The intensity of the red evokes deep feelings of passion and desire. It's a gift that expresses what words cannot: a hurricane of love and affection that surpasses any explanation.

CHF 51.90 - CHF 74.60 incl. VAT

Please choose your desired size

Fleurop indicative price list and general price information (GTC)

Delivery date

For orders received
  • for Switzerland: on weekdays by 15:00
    (Saturdays by 13:00)
  • to foreign countries: usually by 11:00
same-day delivery.

No deliveries on Sundays and Holidays.