• Media 1 - Florist's Choice - Gerberas Bouquet
Florist's Choice - Gerberas Bouquet +
Color of product may differ slightly from picture; price variant «Standard».

Florist's Choice - Gerberas Bouquet

Don't worry about choosing. Let the florist put together a delightful floral gift on your behalf. The florist will carefully craft this attractive, bouquet, using only gerberas. That means that every bouquet will be totally unique.

CHF 60.60 incl. VAT

Please choose your desired size

Fleurop indicative price list and general price information (GTC)

Delivery date

For Switzerland:
  • Monday to Friday ordered before 3 p.m.:
    same-day delivery possible.
  • Saturday ordered before 1 p.m.:
    same-day delivery possible.
Delivery to foreign countries:
  • ordered before 11 a.m.:
    same-day delivery usually possible.

No deliveries on Sundays or public holidays.