• Media 1 - Florist creative bouquet - Pink
Florist creative bouquet - Pink +

Florist creative bouquet - Pink

You'd like to offer a beautiful bouquet for Grandmother's Day but you don't know which one to choose? Can't decide?
Let yourself be surprised and discover all the inventiveness of your creative florist: he'll create a beautiful bouquet of varied flowers in shades of pink, with fresh, quality flowers. This bouquet will be carefully delivered by an Interflora florist.

CHF 52.60 - CHF 78.80 incl. VAT

Please choose your desired size

Fleurop indicative price list and general price information (GTC)

Delivery date

For Switzerland:
  • Monday to Friday ordered before 3 p.m.:
    same-day delivery possible.
  • Saturday ordered before 1 p.m.:
    same-day delivery possible.
Delivery to foreign countries:
  • ordered before 11 a.m.:
    same-day delivery usually possible.

No deliveries on Sundays or public holidays.
March 2025