• Media 1 - The FTD Abundant Rose Bouquet
The FTD Abundant Rose Bouquet +
L'immagine corrisponde alla variante di prezzo «Standard»

The FTD Abundant Rose Bouquet

Blooming with a classic allure that has spoken to us throughout the ages, this red rose bouquet offers a modern twist on the familiar to give your recipient a gift meant to create a moment of surprise and delight. Gorgeous red roses form a splash of color accented with loops of lily grass blades around the outside and the alluring textures of plumosa to draw the eye in. Presented in a clear glass cylinder vase lined with aspidistra leaves to create even further appeal, this stunning rose bouquet is set to create an exceptional birthday, anniversary, or thinking of you gift.Fine flowers delivered in Brazil.

CHF 110.20 incl. IVA

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Data di consegna

Per ordini pervenuti
  • per la Svizzera: nei giorni feriali entro le ore 15.00
    (il sabato entro le ore 13.00)
  • per l'estero: di solito entro le ore 11.00.
consegna lo stesso giorno.

Non si effettuano consegne la domenica e i giorni festivi.