• Media 1 - The FTD Blushing Beauty Bouquet
The FTD Blushing Beauty Bouquet +

The FTD Blushing Beauty Bouquet

Melt their heart with sun-crushed blooms blossoming with an array of color and light your recipient will not soon forget. Coral and hot pink gerbera daisies captivate the eye surrounded by pink Peruvian Lilies, pink and hot pink gilly flower, pale pink carnations and mini carnations, and lush greens situated beautifully in a modern clear glass vase. A simply wonderful way to send your warmest wishes in honor of their birthday, as a thank you or get well gift, or to shower them with your love and affection! Arranged and delivered in El Salvador.

CHF 55.60 inkl. MwSt.

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Für die Schweiz:
  • Montag bis Freitag vor 15 Uhr bestellt:
    Lieferung noch am selben Tag möglich.
  • Samstag vor 13 Uhr bestellt:
    Lieferung noch am selben Tag möglich.
Ins Ausland:
  • Vor 11 Uhr bestellt:
    Lieferung in der Regel noch am selben Tag möglich.

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March 2025