How to get flower gifts home safely from the office

How to get flower gifts home safely from the office

A gift of flowers to the office? And you're wondering how it will survive the journey home undamaged? Here are our tips.
Bouquet - so it feels safe while waiting in the office
Do not open the packaging completely, just open the top if necessary. This makes it easier to transport the flowers later, but you can still see them. The packaging also protects the flowers. If the stems are packed damp, remove the damp paper and keep it for later. Place the flowers immediately in sufficient (lukewarm) water in a place that is as cool as possible without draught.
Flower arrangement - how to look after until it goes home
If it is a flower arrangement, proceed with the packaging as described above for the bouquet. Pour a little water into the floral foam and only pour a little more when are at home. If you overdo the watering at the office, the container may overflow on the way. Now choose a location that is as cool as possible without draught.
Bouquets - well-packed, safe on the way
If the bouquet was delivered in damp packaging, moisten the paper that was removed on delivery, then wrap the whole thing in foil or a small plastic bag to prevent the water from leaking out and transport it as upright as possible.

If possible, drive home directly, especially in very cold or very warm temperatures. Depending on the conditions, you can add 2-3 layers of newspaper to the packaging. This provides additional insulation and protects the flowers from extreme heat or cold.
Arrangements - transport in carrier bag or by car
The same rules apply to flower arrangements as to bouquets.

However, as arrangements are somewhat bulkier and usually heavier, you can perhaps place smaller arrangements in a carrier bag when transporting them by public transport and bring them home carefully. Or place them in the car in such a way that the container cannot tip over and leak water.
Welcome your flowers home
Flowers need the right care to feel at home. However, as this is different for bouquets and arrangements and not all flowers have the same characteristics, you can find our detailed care tips - for plants too, of course - HERE

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